This Project was carried out for the Theming of a water park that was once a leader in both design and service, opening in the Canary Islands a new precedent in this type of construction, highly appreciated by the industry of family tourism and leisure.
The construction of this Park is made mostly in Mortar TXT, a material suitable for finishing that perfectly imitate all types of stone if you work properly.
It has a treatment protocol with metal structure, electro welded mesh, reinforcements of Rea and metal and Fiber Mayan, also sometimes depending on the piece or construction to be made we have a system that we have perfected to make solid pieces that drive much better at structural level on fertile soils or with little foundation.
This system is very reliable, depending of the design and the final location, which is what our technicians value when and where to use.
To offer a better product and service is nature of our company.
Basically Theming Projects for Parks and Hotels in recent years has grown considerably, but not only to take into account the aspect of final finishing that is very important, the way to build it, so that the elements in Volume and Constructions made are more secure and durable, amortizing the investment much better.
Our company places special emphasis on these two items advising the Client and the Project Management if it is alien to our company on how we will execute the construction and always offering the best solutions to the different construction challenges, since the thematization to be very creative tends to maximize the properties of the materials to achieve the best visual result and interactive experience, because if you do not get to thrill the public to which it is intended, you will not have reached the essential objective by which you opted for the Constructive Technique of Theming.